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New Construction Requirements

Requirements for new construction within the boundaries of the Vacaville Fire Protection District include, but are not limited to, the following:

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  1. All construction shall be sprinklered in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Standards.In all existing buildings/structures when a change in occupancy classification or use occurs, or when any existing occupancy, regardless of total floor area, is converted to a hazardous use.In all remodels/room additions where the total area exceeds 25% of the original square footage. (Allowance above 25% will require approval by the Fire Chief of the Vacaville Fire Protection District.)In all remodels/room additions with an existing sprinkler system, the system must be recalculated and designed to accommodate the additional flow demand.
  2. An approved flashing light shall be installed on all new dwellings in such a position as to be plainly visible from the road fronting the property. The signal light shall be installed in such a manner that it will automatically activate in conjunction with the required sprinkler system. The light may also be installed in so that it may be manually activated to assist in locating buildings during other emergencies. The signal light shall be a flashing blue or white light capable of a minimum of 80 flashes per minute and a minimum of 25000-candle power.
  3. Smoke Detectors
    Shall be provided and installed in accordance with section 1210 of the Building Code. 1001.5.1.3 UFC
     A smoke detector shall be installed in each sleeping room and at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each separate sleeping area.
  4. Premises IdentificationTo readily respond to emergencies, all homes, business and commercial properties must be easily identified with the address number. 901.4.4 CFC, 30-201 Solano County Ordinance.Upon receipt of the address number from the Director of Public Works, the occupant or owner of the property or building shall display the number upon the building or land in such a manner as to be visible from the road upon which the land or building fronts.Address numbers shall be conspicuous to ensure positive identification and placed on front doors, near garage doors, or at a single driveway entrance.Where residences and/or property are not clearly visible from the road, access identification other than mailboxes shall be on 4” X 4” wood posts, metal stakes, or equivalent markers elevated at least 3 feet for clear visibility and rapid directional identification.All numbers shall be a minimum height of 3 inches with a 3/8 inch stroke, reflective and/or color contrasting with the surface where placed.
  5. Driveways - Roads
    Fire apparatus access shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Vacaville Fire Protection District.
    To provide year-round, all-weather access for heavy fire engines and other emergency equipment to residential building sites that are not covered in the Solano County Road and Street Standards, these minimum access road specifications shall apply, 902.2.2.2 UFC:
     Plans for access shall be submitted to the District for review and approval prior to construction.Driveways shall extend from each building site to a public or private roadway and shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm) with suitable base material. Driveways may be a minimum 12 feet wide with authorization. 902.2.2.1 UFCThe maximum grade allowed is 12 percent. Appendix III-D, Section 6.1 UFCSurface designed and maintained to support a 50,000 lb. load.Driveways exceeding 150 feet in length, but less than 800 feet in length, shall provide a turnout near the midpoint of the driveway. Where the driveway exceeds 800 feet, turnouts shall be provided no more than 400 feet apart.Turnout shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and 30 feet long with a minimum 25 foot taper on each end.Minimum centerline curve radius of 40 feet.Necessary drainage improvements.Turnaround facilities shall be provided at all building sites on driveways over 300 feet in length, and shall be within 50 feet of the building. The minimum turning radius for a turnaround shall be 40 feet from the centerline of the road. If a hammerhead/T is used, the top of the "T" shall be a minimum of 60 feet in length.Any required culverts or bridges shall be designed for a live load of 50 tons and be certified by a professional engineer. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges.Overhead clearance of limbs, trees, etc. shall be a minimum of 15 feet.
  6. HydrantsAll residences shall be no more than 1000 road feet from a fire hydrant.Hydrants shall be of approved type and contain a minimum of one 2½” and one 4½’ NHS external thread outlets. (Equal to Model 614 Long Beach Iron Works)Hydrant fire flow shall conform to Fire District standards.Fire hydrants shall be clearly identified in an approved manner to prevent obstruction by parking and other obstructions. 901.4.3 CFC.Fire hydrants shall be identified by the installation of blue reflective markers located in the center of the roadway. 901.4.3 CFCFire hydrants subject to possible vehicular damage shall be adequately protected with guard posts in accordance with Section 8001.11.3 CFCA 3-foot (914.4 mm) clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants. 1001.7.2 CFCThe center of a hose outlet shall not be less than 18 inches (457 mm) to 36 inches above final grade. NFPA 24
  7. GatesGates shall be at least two feet wider that the width of the traffic lane serving that gate.All gates providing access from a road to a driveway shall be located at least 30 feet from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on that road.Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gated entrance, a 40-foot turning radius shall be used.
     Electrically Operated Gates
    The design and installation of all electrically operated gates shall be in accordance with the following criteria:The gate control shall be operable by an approved emergency override Knox key switch that is an integral part of the mechanism. In the event of a power failure, the gate shall automatically be transferred to a fail-safe mode allowing the gate to be pushed open without the use of special knowledge or equipment.The key switch shall be labeled with a permanent red sign with not less than ½” contrasting letters reading “FIRE DEPT” or a “Knox” decal.A transmitter-operated gate shall have a Knox key switch on the right side of the gates opening approximately 48” above the roadway surface. It shall be visible and easily accessible with a label as specified above.Upon activation of the Knox key switch, the gate shall remain open until returned to normal operation by means of the key switch.
     Manually Operated Gates and BarriersA Knox padlock shall be used, in order for the Fire District to enter the property during an emergency in a timely manner without the destruction of private property.
     After investigation of the available products, it has been determined that only the product line offered by the Knox Company of Phoenix satisfies the security needs of the Fire District and the community. The Fire District will provide the only acceptable order form.
  8. Roof Coverings
    All roof coverings shall be fire retardant as specified in the Uniform Building Code. Wood shakes or other wood materials applied as roof covering shall be fire rated as class B or better. 1504, Table 15-A UBC
  9. Spark Arresters
    Chimneys used with fireplaces or heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maintained with a spark arrester. 1109.7 UFC, 4291 (F) PRC
  10. Development Impact Fees for New Construction
    On April 26, 2005, the Solano County Board of Supervisors passed and adopted Ordinance 1659 on behalf of the Vacaville Fire Protection District. The adopted fee became effective July 1, 2005.
    July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 – a per square foot impact fee of $1.44
    July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 – a per square foot impact fee of $1.62

Vacaville Fire Protection District
Disclaimer Statement

This information is provided as a service to potential builders within the boundaries of the Vacaville Fire Protection District. These requirements represent merely an overview of preliminary building requirements and additional regulations shall apply.

Revised: December 7, 2002
January 7, 2005
September 23, 2005
April 5, 2006

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